October 15th, 12-1pm CST
Offered FOR the nominal fee of $25
The recorded replay is available if you aren’t able to attend live.
“The tools you have given me to get my personal plans in place for the holidays are a game-changer. I feel energized and peaceful in November and December now.” 41 y/o Client
You will Walk Away from this webinar with:
4 Dynamic Steps to a Peaceful ✨ November & December:
1. Unlock your authentic rhythm through a specific guided visualization; deeply relaxing and revealing.
2. Formulate your DHC
(Dream Holiday Calendar).
3. Create (4) H-Lists (Holiday Lists) to get laser focus.
This includes what to do about your HO list! (Holiday Obligations).
4. Integrate these steps into action steps.
Bring your notebooks & calendars, & you will be guided through a step-by-step process of how to plan your soulful and truly magical ✨ holiday season.