Evolve Club

Virtual Group Coaching and Meditation Integrations… for Personal Growth & Development

Opens January 2022

Join Now - Spots Limited!

You are ready to:

‣Free yourself of fear, self-criticism, and insecurity

‣Stop having a lack of healthy boundaries

‣End feeling rushed, overwhelmed, and exhausted

‣Get over feeling guilty about so many things

‣Be done with thinking you are not good enough

Evolve your Life.

  • Find your personal power and know how to use it.

  • Learn mind-body-spirit practices to apply daily.

  • Feel focused and energized to design and live the life you want.✨

“Maria has been instrumental in my personal evolution. She has helped me find the confidence to speak my truth and live my purpose.” Sam, RN, Yogi, Mom

Evolve your Relationships.

  • Create more meaningful engagements and connections.

  • Develop better boundaries and more authentic communications.

  • Take your professional life to the next level.

“Maria’s insights and clear strategies have brought me great results…and peace in my life, my career, my relationships, and within myself.” Kristin S.

Evolve your Community.

  • Feel more alive and motivated to change.

  • Be a part of a Soul Community of Wisdom Seekers - having support and sacred accountability to your goals.

  • Your inner evolution becomes the world’s revolution for the global community.✨

“I have seen Maria achieve results in group work which are so outstanding, that years later people will discuss the fantastic outcomes.” Karin A.

 Pricing option at just $60/mo!

What’s in the Club?

All Connections are Virtual and Live with Maria!


1. Group Coaching

2nd Wednesday, Monthly

12-1pm CST

Recordings Available

  • Presentations on Mind-Body-Spirit Topics

  • Interactive Learning and Engagement

  • Unblock Obstacles and Move Forward

  • Optional Warm Seat Coaching

    ✨Watching a peer being coached provides powerful Aha’s in our common themes of struggle and success.

2. Group Meditations

Tuesdays, Weekly

5:30-6pm CST

Recordings Available

  • Imagery, Journaling, and Connection

  • Reduce Stress and Re-nourish Yourself

  • Absorb Teachings / Rewire Your Brain

  • Build Capacity for Strength, Well-being, and Heart-wisdom

“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

You’re ready for a deeper level of Personal Transformation.

Give yourself the needed time and space in this supportive community, for your journey of crafting your next steps in your evolution ✨.

You’re in the right place.

Welcome to the Club.

It’s built for what you need.

You Belong Here.

 Pricing option at just $60/mo!

What’s it going to cost you if you don’t join?

“Maria is a rare gem. She has the gift to open your heart and let you see deep inside.” Tiffany M., CEO Entrepreneur